
Plan management can be easy, too!

Customer request are taken very seriously at Planfred and implemented as quickly as possible. This close cooperation makes it possible to make the simplest building platform even more user-friendly.

The most important improvements in the current version 0.153.0:

  • The new plan list may now be individually filtered, grouped, printed out without any loss of information (e.g. in case of longer file names). To make Planfred even easier and clearly laid-out, the plan list has been integrated in the “plans” tab.

  • When sending plans and documents, text messages are now also able to be sent.

  • The complete e-mail workflow (registration, inviting participants, sending plans, etc.) is now sent in HTML and plain text. This means that e-mails are also received by networks with strict safety settings and don’t land in the spam folder.

  • More performance and numerous detail improvements for even more convenience.

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