
Top categories: Break down projects into objects

We have extended PLANFRED with a flexible order level - we call this "top categories".

Each plan and each document can be assigned to an object with top categories. This reduces the complexity in large projects and all project participants keep an overview.

From now on, plans of projects with multiple objects can be optimally structured by assigning them to an additional top category.

An Example for top categories:
  • Object A

  • Object B

  • Object C

  • All objects

Thus, all plans of a component can be filtered with one click and after downloading they are stored in the folder of the respective component.

The function "Top categories" is optional and can be switched on in the project settings after creating a project or for projects that are already running.

And this is how it works:

  • Administrators can turn on top categories for plans or documents in the project settings. Top categories can be configured individually for plans and documents.

  • Create top categories for the individual objects: "Object 1", "Object 2". The already existing plan top category "Standard" can be renamed to "General project plans", for example.

  • Existing plans or documents can be assigned to a top category directly in the list via right-click.

"Top categories" do not necessarily have to refer to objects, but can also structure the project according to other criteria and thus provide a better overview.

Keep the overview,

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