IconPlan Management

PLANFRED app – plan list

Plan List – the Heart of PLANFRED

PLANFRED  offers an array of useful project management features, but none more important than its ability to provide the most up-to-date plan status anytime, day or night. In the List View, you’ll see the latest plan status, which user accessed the information, and when.

As older plans are automatically moved to the plan history once a more current version is available, keeping your project simple and easy to navigate.

Each plan has its own dedicated history, ensuring that outdated plan versions and their associated activities are always accessible. This gives you a comprehensive overview of all current plans as well as their complete history at the click of a button.

PLANFRED webapp – flexible filter system

Filter System

Efficiently Locate Plans

You can quickly and efficiently locate plans, whether you, or a teammate, created them. The incredibly useful and customizable filter system allows users to assign permissions individually, or as a group.

Every plan level offered by PLANFRED comes with pre-installed criteria you can use to filter any parameter, or you can create your own. The project creator’s role is automatically assigned when the plan is uploaded, and serves as a primary filter.

You can filter by role (e.g., structural engineer), planning phases (folders), objects (parent group), tags, and any others you create. The dynamic filter system in PLANFRED provides real-time feedback for how each filter affects the search results, ensuring that even new project participants can quickly and easily find the plans they need.

PLANFRED web app – documented plan dispatch

Plan Sharing

Is Simple and Secure

PLANFRED lets you email an unlimited number of plans, regardless of their file size. Links are provided instead of the actual document, adding convenience and helping avoid file size limitations. Every plan share and download is thoroughly documented, providing a clear record each time the plan is shared.

Have you ever wondered if a recipient opened the document you sent them? PLANFRED’s Plan Sharing feature alerts you when a shared plan is viewed by the recipient, even if the recipient is external and may not have direct access to the project. With PLANFRED, you can confidently manage plan sharing and maintain a traceable record of access with complete control.

PLANFRED webapp – free encoding

Flexible Encoding

Tailored to Your System

If you’re a professional using PLANFRED, you’ll have the freedom to upload plans and documents using any coding system you prefer. If your project has specific plan number defaults, they can be easily applied without additional configuration.

The initial assignment is automatically handled in PLANFRED based on the role of the plan author, which is set automatically during the upload process. Additional criteria can be defined during plan creation or adjusted later through group editing. With this flexibility, you can align PLANFRED with your existing coding practices and seamlessly integrate it into your workflow.

PLANFRED web app – approval system


Is Efficient and Transparent

PLANFRED's easy-to-use review system can be used to map a wide variety of plan review scenarios.

Reviews can be requested and auditors or review deadlines can be changed at any time.

Regardless of whether the plan needs to be reviewed by one or more auditors, the tried-and-tested traffic light system makes the current status clear for all participants involved: Yellow > Review is requested; Red > Comment attached; Green > Approval granted. The plan index is already accessible to all participants involved during the review process, which enables preparation and coordination between the trades.

PLANFRED web app – email notifier

Stay Informed with the PLANFRED Upload Notifier

Never miss a plan update...

with PLANFRED's upload notification feature. Stay constantly up-to-date and ensure you never miss any new or updated plans and documents within your project.

Whenever new data is uploaded, changed, or modified, PLANFRED automatically sends an email notification at the top of every hour (or at midnight, depending on your preference).

With the upload notifier, you’ll know if and when a recipient opened or modified a document, instead of sending endless texts and voicemails to confirm. The upload notifier can also be customized individually for each project participant or deactivated altogether.